Hello everyone, here's another fresh blog on the world wide web.. - a blog I've been meaning to set up for a while but somehow took forever (not really!) to start. I' ve been a passionate blog reader for the past months, and it was another blogger - Molly - who encouraged me to write my own - thanks Molly!
My blog will be a record of my crafty but thrifty endeavours, involving knitting, crochet, sewing (hopefully) and whatever else might fascinate me on the way.
Today, as I felt a little nervous writing my first entry, I brought along a friend - Mousy. He's a new friend (just a few weeks old) made of old stuff (a summer shirt I loved a lot, worn to the limit). My family would probably argue he couldn't possibly be my friend, he surely must be food. I was always compared to a cat, and nicknamed accordingly since I can remember (no I was not a bullied child, it just runs in my family, this nick-name thing). But trust me, Mousy was not made for me; his fate is to become my aunt's (real) cat's toy. It's stuffed with cotton and catnip.
And he looks pretty from the back too!
PS Please let me know about any problems viewing the blog, suggestions etc. - thank you!
My blog will be a record of my crafty but thrifty endeavours, involving knitting, crochet, sewing (hopefully) and whatever else might fascinate me on the way.

PS Please let me know about any problems viewing the blog, suggestions etc. - thank you!